Information for people wanting to become
Massachusetts Licensed Riding Instructors
Description of process:
- Call Ms. Sandra Pepe to ask for an application. (Leave your name and address if
you reach the answering machine.)
- Send in your application with a $10 administration fee.
- Ms. Pepe will send you information on test dates, regulations and test materials.
(Once sent, the applicant has 90 days to pass the test! Tests happen almost every
Friday at 9am and can be retaken if not passed the first time.)
- Pass the test and pay $15 for earned license.
- Provide a copy of your license to any Massachusetts locations at which you
instruct for required posting!
- A renewal notice is sent to you for annual renewal by mail.
Ms. Sandra Pepe (617) 626-1797
Bureau of Animal Health
Department of Food and Agriculture
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114